During the survey, you may have felt God prompting you to grow in certain areas. Don’t be discouraged if you rated yourself low in several—focus on one or two where God is inviting you to take a step. Start where you are, not where you think you should be. If you'd like to explore the next steps, reach out to a Pastor—we'd love to connect and help you follow Jesus.

11. Those who know me best would say I am understanding of others' feelings and perspectives

12. I often withdraw from people and noise to be alone with God and my own soul in solitude.

13. Those who know me best would say I am unhurried

14. I engage in regular acts of service towards the poor with the goal of building relationships with them.

  • SCRIPTURE: Luke 14:13-14
  • BOOK:Walking with the Poor by Bryant Myers
  • PRACTICE: Volunteer at a local non-profit.Here are some opportunities.

15. I have a regular practice of fasting from eating to deepen my communion with God.

  • SCRIPTURE: Acts 13:2-3
  • BOOK:God's Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallis
  • PRACTICE: Create a rhythm to Fast one to three meals either weekly or monthly.

16. I regularly share the Gospel of Jesus with those who don't know him

  • SCRIPTURE: Romans 10:14-15
  • BOOK:Questions of Life by Nicky Gumbel 
  • PRACTICE: Write out and practice sharing your testimony.

17. I am becoming less selfish and irritable.

  • SCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-18
  • BOOK:The Freedom of SelfForgetfulness by Timothy Keller
  • PRACTICE: Practice the discipline of secrecy - Do something Jesus-like and then don’t tell anyone.

18. I see my work (paid or unpaid) as an important part of my life with Jesus and strive to do it with excellence.

  • SCRIPTURE: Colossians 3:23-24
  • BOOK:Garden City by John Mark Comer
  • PRACTICE: Create a personal development plan - Ask some colleagues what skills are valuable in your industry and find a few resources (courses, books, etc) to help you grow.

19. I am committed to meeting often, in-person, with a small community for deep conversations focused on God.

  • SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 10:24-25
  • BOOK:The Connected Life by Todd Hall 
  • PRACTICE:Join a Life Group

20. I set aside a full day each week to rest and delight through the practice of Sabbath.

21. I practice generosity by giving a significant portion of my resources to the church and the poor.

  • SCRIPTURE: 1 Timothy 6:6-19
  • BOOK:Giving is the Good Life by Randy Alcorn 
  • PRACTICE: Prayerfully consider how you can take a step in generosity. Decide on a sacrificially generous rhythm to give to the church and/or another non-profit.

22. I am able to forgive everyone who has hurt me.

23. I am becoming less fearful and controlling, and growing in faith and trust in God

  • SCRIPTURE: Philippians 4:4-9
  • BOOK:Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning 
  • PRACTICE: Surrender to God in prayer - Regularly present desires, decisions, and outcomes before God in prayer, surrendering your will and asking for his to be done.

24. I regularly pray for and practice hospitality with those far from God, welcoming them to spend time or meals with me.

  • SCRIPTURE: Luke 19v1-10
  • BOOK:A Meal with Jesus by Tim Chester 
  • PRACTICE: Schedule a time to eat with non-Christian friends.

25. I regularly spend time seeking God and growing in my faith through reading or studying Scripture.

  • SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  • BOOK:Eat This Book by Eugene Peterson
  • PRACTICE: Do theDiscover the Word series

26. I intentionally set aside time to pray and communicate with God.

  • SCRIPTURE: Luke 5:16
  • BOOK:Living Like Monks, Praying Like Fools by Tyler Staton.
  • PRACTICE: Do thePrayer Practice by Practicing the Way.

27. Throughout the day, I find myself thinking of and conversing with God openly and lovingly.

  • SCRIPTURE: Psalm 23
  • BOOK:A Testament of Devotion by Thomas Kelly 
  • PRACTICE: Fixed-hour prayer: Set aside time to pray at specific times throughout the day. For instance, you might intercede for people in the morning, pray the Lord’s prayer at noon and pray thanksgiving prayer before bed.

28. I have a set of spiritual practices and rhythms (Rule of Life) to connect with God

Note: Many of these were taken from PTW spiritual health assessment results.