For a variety of reasons, the time is right to discuss how our building can be utilized more effectively to align with these ideas.

A common place to worship:
A building can be a useful tool because it gives us a common place to worship corporately; human connection is important.

A place to gather for discipleship: As we meet and learn together it helps us to remain united in doctrine and organization (two values the New Testament promotes in the church).

A location for ministry: Food Bank, Awana for 50+ kids, youth groups, adult ministry events, seminars to equip individuals and families, concerts, The Passion of Jesus, a Satellite Food Bank and other ministry events are all aided by having a physical space to use. The more efficient our space is, the more time we can spend interacting with people!

 To review our Extending our Impact information package, our proposed floor plan, or to pledge a donation please click on the links below!

We desire for the facility to be welcoming to guests and useful to the ministries of our church body for impacting individuals and families.

The Elder team, along with a Building Committee, have been working for more than a year to develop a comprehensive renovation and expansion plan for our church building. This is not only about bringing our building up to standard – it is about asking God to give us a vision for how He sees our facilities enabling us to be more effective in our community.


...that God is asking us to extend our impact, by extending…

  • ...our welcome
  • ...our lobby for encounters
  • ...our connect wing for events
  • ...our youth room for mentorship
  • ...our kids zone for instruction
  • ...accessibility to all
Extending Our Impact is a three-phase project that will see nearly all our building refreshed or rebuilt.


This will move our main washrooms to the west side of the gymnasium where they will meet code and be modernized.  The nursery will be moved to the east side of the gym, and storage rooms will be added to the west side of the gym.  The upstairs children’s ministry classrooms will have the exterior walls framed in, new flooring installed, and new HVAC servicing the area.


This phase is the most extensive.  The Fireside wing will be demolished and rebuilt slightly larger with a Connect room downstairs and a new Kid’s Ministry teaching room upstairs.  Full bathrooms will be installed upstairs to replace the single toilet that exists upstairs currently.  The staff office wing will be enlarged and updated.  The lobby will be opened up from east to west through the building.  The library will be moved, a coffee bar installed, and an elevator will provide accessibility to the top floor.


The final phase is an addition to the north end of the current building, allowing for a new youth facility upstairs and expanded space for the food bank ministry downstairs, along with more kitchen storage.  The kitchen will also be updated.