
Mark 6:30-56
Roller Coasters & Wild Waves


“Jesus is more than you think He is”


Two main themes in Mark’s book:


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Feeding the 5,000 (6:30-44)


Jesus demonstrates that He is:


  • The Shepherd (Ps 23)
  • True Manna from heaven (the Bread of Life)
  • The true prophet, in the like of Elijah and Elisha


Jesus foreshadows:

  • The Last Supper
  • The Messianic banquet



Walking on Water (6:45-56)


Jesus demonstrates that He is:

  • God, who walks on the waves of the sea (Job 9:8)
  • God, who ‘passes by’, showing His care and concern (Exodus 33:19-23; 1 Kings 19:9-14)
  • God, the ‘I AM’ (Mark 6:50, Ex 3:14)


Jesus waits most of the night before intervening in the disciples struggle


Jesus had compassion on the disciples in their struggle


Questions for you and me: Why is it so important that we know who Jesus is?  In what way is your picture of Jesus too small?  How has Jesus met you in a struggle in the past and surprised you with how much He was up to that you were initially unaware of?