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Ask Christians their favourite book in the Scriptures and one often hears “the Psalms”. Words that paint comforting pictures, inviting tranquillity to the soul that is experiencing emotional chaos.

The Psalms of praise wonder at the mystery and majesty of God, seen in the handiwork of Creation. Who is this Almighty One whose awesome power and authority we cannot fathom? Yet He speaks of great love and care for one such as I?

Ah, but what about those verses that we cringe at, or pass over! Expressions of human emotions illed with hopelessness, anger and vile hatred. Jesus, the Word of God, allowed such utterances, but to what purpose?

CS Lewis writes about the beauty, the wisdom and the judgement found in the Psalms, and in so doing, wrote one of the best psychology texts I have ever read. Join me, Carol McLean, in April, for three sessions, to examine together this beloved book by Lewis, Reflections on the Psalms.

RSVP to if you are planning to come so we know how many people to prepare for.