I was first introduced to Awana when my children were small. A few years later, I volunteered to be a small group listener and fell in love with helping kids memorize scripture. Since then, I’ve served as a leader, T&T director, secretary, and Awana ministry director at the local church level. I also served as a volunteer on a regional ministry team in the U.S. as a trainer and conference speaker.

After moving to Canada in 2018, I had the joy of introducing the families of my new church to Awana. I joined the Awana Canada team in summer 2021 as a volunteer Advocate, assisting churches in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. After being in that role for a little over a year, I was hired to co-lead the amazing group of field team members serving churches across the country.

Though we miss our three grown children and five grandchildren still living in Kansas, my husband and I are thrilled to be serving God here in Canada.